Why Sam Altman co-founded Worldcoin is this

손재권 2023.05.18 10:51 PDT
Why Sam Altman co-founded Worldcoin is this
(출처 : 디자인:장혜지)

The Open AI CEO launches an human-bot distinguishing infrastructure.
Iris recognition device 'Orb' will eliminate physical passports.
AI-web3 combination likely to spark a big bang-like revolution.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing exponentially. As more outputs are created by generative AI, it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between human-created and AI-created content. Worldcoin will be a solution that can solve problems that may arise in the AI era.
Alex Blania, Worldcoin CEO

Sam Altman, the CEO of generative artificial intelligence uprise Open AI, is a visionary entrepreneur who has helped shape the future of AI. Open AI’s AI chat service ChatGPT-4, launched in March, has swung the door to the era of AI wide open, increasing the expectations that what is called artificial general intelligence, or AGI, will think, learn, and perform at the same level or above humans.

Altman does not think the looming AGI world is a sort of utopia. The highly advanced AI technology can cause confusion between factual news and fake ones and exacerbate energy shortage issues. Therefore, he has been trying to tackle the world’s problems, such as poverty, disease, and climate change, through launching new startups and technology even after the establishment of Open AI.

Many are paying attention to the steps Altman takes as they assume the visionary would somehow know what is coming, as he did with Open AI for the 'generative AI revolution.'

One of his solutions to the world’s problems is Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency company he founded together with Alex Blania in 2019. Although he is not involved in the management of the firm, he sets visions and directions for the company.

There are two objectives of Worldcoin: one is verifying humans and bots, and the other is offering humans universal basic income as they may suffer from job losses caused by AI. The company hopes to provide UBIs through the Worldcoin cryptocurrency.

Altman also believes that many of the existential threats posed by AI to humans can be mitigated by cryptocurrency and blockchain. He hopes to utilize iris scanning technology to distinguish humans from AI as a form of 'proof of personhood' and store such data on a blockchain system to create a transparent and fair world for everyone.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Worldcoin was about to finalize an investment deal to raise $100 million in funding, with a corporate value of $3 billion. This news followed the Series A round led by investment firm a16z last year. Among Worldcoin's investors are Khosla Ventures, Coinbase Ventures, Digital Currency Group, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

This funding is expected to be used to mint the Worldcoin cryptocurrency and launch the World App, which will allow people to earn Worldcoin tokens by scanning their irises. These tokens, stored on a distributed ledger, can be used to purchase goods and services on the Worldcoin platform.

The Miilk recently interviewed Tiago Sada, Head of Product, Engineering & Design of Worldcoin. Sada shared his insights on the background and future plans of Worldcoin.

He said that both Altman and Blania believe that while AGI is the most important technology of our time, but it poses a serious existential threat to humanity. Worldcoin aims to mitigate this threat.

Sada explained that Worldcoin is a cryptocurrency intended to be distributed to everyone in the world, and the platform itself is designed to be a fair and inclusive. Anyone, regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic status, can earn Worldcoin tokens. This approach ensures that everyone has a stake in the future of AGI and that AGI is used for good, not for evil.

Sada expressed excitement about the future of the project although Worldcoin is still in its early stages. He believes that Worldcoin has the potential to make a real difference in the world.

Worldcoin's 'World App' and iris recognition tool 'Orb' (출처 : Source: Worldcoin)

What is Worldcoin?

Son Jae-kwon: Was Worldcoin established by Sam Altman? The current CEO is someone else.

Tiago Sada: That's right. Worldcoin is a company co-founded by Sam Altman, the current CEO of OpenAI, and Alex Blania four years ago. Sam is a co-founder, but he does not participate in running the company. Worldcoin is the project that Sam Altman spends most of his time on besides OpenAI.

Sam first started this four years ago. He believed that advanced artificial intelligence would appear in 'five years', not 50 or 100 years. He considered artificial intelligence to be one of the most powerful and important technologies mankind could invent. He thought the world would change very profoundly. However, this also meant that certain infrastructure was required that the world did not yet have. That's why he started 'Worldcoin'.

Son Jae-kwon: As a startup, what kinds of problems are you trying to address with Worldcoin?

Tiago Sada: We wanted to solve the key questions of the AI ​​era. The question is, how can we fairly distribute all the economic benefits of AI? This is in the same vein as Sam's argument for Universal Basic Income (UBI). The question is how to ensure that everyone, not just the few, can use AI fairly. If only a few have access to AI, the gap between rich and poor will widen. Also, AI can fake anything.

How do you know whom and what to trust online? In the future, this problem could pose a great threat to humanity. I see two problems at the heart of these things. First, it is an identity issue. In other words, there is a problem with the concept of 'PoP (Proof of Personhood)' that distinguishes what is human and what is artificial intelligence. The second is a digital currency that can realize UBI. Addressing these two key issues will provide the infrastructure needed to address a wider range of issues.

Son Jae-kwon: What are the components of Worldcoin?

Tiago Sada: Worldcoin consists of three components:

  • 'World ID', a digital identity certification

  • 'Worldcoin' token, a cryptocurrency that can be distributed to people around the world to overcome the AI ​​era and can be used as a means of future governance

  • 'World App', an app that allows users to make payments and purchases anywhere in the world using Worldcoin tokens

World ID is a digital identity certification that proves that you are a real person. It is used to verify your identity when you sign up for Worldcoin and to access Worldcoin services. Worldcoin is a cryptocurrency that can be distributed to people around the world to overcome the AI ​​era.

It is used to make payments and purchases anywhere in the world and to participate in future governance. World App is an app that allows users to make payments and purchases anywhere in the world using Worldcoin tokens. It also allows users to earn Worldcoin tokens by scanning their irises.

Worldcoin is a groundbreaking project that has the potential to change the world. It could help to create a more equitable and just world. It could also help to mitigate the existential threat of AGI.

(출처 : Worldcoin)

1.7 million people registered for World ID

Why is World ID referred to as an internet passport?

World ID is a digital identity certification that is stored on your mobile phone. It is similar to a passport, but it proves that you are a real person, not a bot or an AI. To get a World ID, you download the World App and verify your mobile phone number. Then, you use iris recognition device to scan your eyes. This is a very secure way to verify your identity. Once you have a World ID, you can use it to prove your identity online. This is useful for things like signing up for websites, making online purchases, and voting in online elections.

How many people have registered for World ID so far?

As of May 2023, over 1.7 million people have registered for World ID. This number is growing rapidly, and World ID is on track to become the world's largest network of real people on the internet.

What is the difference between the World App and other cryptocurrency apps?

The World App is a cryptocurrency wallet that is different from other cryptocurrency apps in several ways. First, it uses World ID to verify the identity of its users. This makes it much more secure than other cryptocurrency apps, which often do not require any identity verification. Second, the World App allows users to exchange currency between people whose identities have been verified with World ID.

This makes it a valuable tool for people who want to trade with other real people, rather than bots or AIs. This means that your money is always safe and secure, even if the value of cryptocurrency fluctuates.

When will Worldcoin tokens be issued?

Worldcoin tokens are expected to be issued in the first half of 2023. However, an exact date has not yet been announced.

Worldcoin's head of Product, Engineering & Design Tiago Sada (출처 : The Miilk Son Jae-kwon)

Iris recognition 'Orb' is an open source.

What's the purpose of the iris recognition tool 'Orb'?

Orb is an iris recognition tool that was created to verify the identity of real people. It works by scanning the user's iris and comparing it to a database of known iris patterns. If the iris pattern matches, the user is authenticated. Orb is a very secure way to verify identity, and it is also very fast and easy to use.

How does Orb work?

Orb works by using a combination of hardware and software. The hardware consists of a high-resolution camera and a powerful processor. The software uses artificial intelligence to analyze the iris pattern and compare it to the database of known iris patterns.

How does Orb protect personal data?

Orb takes a number of steps to protect personal data. First, the iris scan is never stored on the Orb device itself. It is never stored on any cloud servers or other remote devices as well. Second, the iris scan is encrypted using a secure algorithm. This means that even if someone were to gain access to the Orb device, they would not be able to read the iris scan.

Is Orb secure?

Orb is a very secure way to verify identity. It is also very fast and easy to use. Orb has been tested by a number of independent security experts, and it has been found to be very secure.

What are the benefits of using Orb?

There are a number of benefits to using Orb. Orb is a very secure way to verify identity. It is also very fast and easy to use. Orb can be used in a variety of applications, including Online banking, E-commerce, Government services, Healthcare, Education

How can I get an Orb?

We don't sell an Orb. Just download the App to locate a Worldcoin Operator near you. Worldcoin Operators are currently onboarding in additional locations.

In the generalized digital world of AI, there is an era in which 'humans' must prove that they are human.

Please, explain PoP(Proof of personhood) to us? What is identity verification and why is it needed in this system?

PoP(Proof of Personhood) is a new way to verify the identity of real people. It is based on iris recognition technology, which is a very secure and reliable way to identify people. PoP is needed in this system because it will help to ensure that only real people can participate. This is important because it will help to protect the system from fraud and abuse.

Why did you put this product out into the world now?

We put this product out into the world now because we believe that it is the right time. The world is moving into the age of artificial intelligence, and we believe that PoP is essential for a safe and secure AI future.

How will the Korean market respond? Both AI and crypto have strong infrastructure.

We believe that the Korean market will respond very well to PoP. Korea is a very advanced country in terms of technology, and we believe that Koreans will appreciate the security and convenience of this new technology.

Is there an Orb in Korea now?

Yes, there is an Orb in Korea. Many people are already using it, and we believe that the number of users will continue to grow in the future. We are very excited about the Korean market, and we believe that it has great potential for Proof of Personhood.

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